GOOD NEWS: Public WiFi service to be opened at Tema Station

Accra Central's Tema Station 
Hip hip hip.......  You are wondering what we are celebrating right??? 

Good news is coming your way, all Internet users who boards trotro or taxi, drivers and 'mates'(Driver Assistants), and traders at Tema Station. 

You will in a time to come enjoy WIFI Internet Service at the car terminal. 

Ghana's Communications Minister Dr. Omane Boamah has revealed that government is going to install Public WiFi systems at the station. 

This will enable people who will need to conduct a search get the help needed from the Internet in no time.  However, it will assist journalists carry out their duties even if they are out of their offices. 

He says that of Accra Polytechnic and the Kotoka International Airport will be opened in not less that=n two weeks.

This he says is a measure taken by government to provide enough internet capacity to ease the burdens of Ghanaians.

This tells you the government is committed to improving upon the lives of the people, he noted. 

However, he stressed that this is not an urban area based project for only those living within the Golden triangle. 

A fiber optic cable laying through Ho to the Northern part of Ghana is also ongoing to allow people in rural areas also take their bite of the sweet cake. 
By:Ghana/Hwenebobo Newsstand/Administrator
