HEALTH: How to keep your penis clean

The penis is something most men worry about a lot! Yep, it’s true, according to a survey men were more likely to Google questions they had about their penis most often. If you are a man and are reading this, know that your all-important organ needs some TLC too. Especially a good cleaning once in a while.

Why you should wash your penis
Like all the parts of your body, your penis, groin and testicles also get dirty and considering they are close to your anus they are more likely to have infection causing bacteria. Apart from that the hair and fact that the area produces more sweat than any other part of your body it quickly becomes a breeding ground for fungus and bacteria.

How you should clean
When having a shower wash your penis, groin and testicles with a mild, moisturising soap. This is essential because the skin around your genitals are very sensitive and can be easily irritated by harsh soaps.

Wash correctly: Make sure you lather the soap in your hand and wash the area well. Using warm water as you wash is great to get rid of dirt, grime and bacteria. That being said, avoid being too harsh while you wash and doing it too often, once a day should suffice. Also, it is a good idea to wash up after a workout as sweat can lead to your genitals emitting a foul smell and infections.
Trim the hair in the region: Yes, we all have pubic hair for a reason and you don’t have to completely get rid of all the hair. But hair shaft tends to collect sweat, skin cells and sebum from your body — all of which make a yummy meal for infection causing bacteria. So trim the area and avoid shaving it. This is because shaving tends to make the area prone to razor burns and itching.

Always wash up before and after sex and masturbating: Planning to have sex? Wash up. not only will it be much better for your partner to give you a blow job but it’s also just more sanitary. After sex it is essential that you wash up because of all the bodily fluids your penis will have on it. These fluids become a great breeding ground for bacteria especially after it dries. So don’t just wipe yourself with some tissue, use warm water and soap to stay clean and infection free.
In the case of masturbation, the bodily fluids are far lesser but even so, your ejaculate can be a breeding ground for bacteria. Apart from that it can also make your penis stink, not a very nice thought, is it?

If you are uncircumcised, wash better: In case you are uncircumcised (still have your foreskin) then you need to take extra care of your genitals. This is because the area under your foreskin is prone to the collection of bacteria and smegma (a whitish fluid that collects under this area) which can lead to infections, spots and even foul odour. So to clean the area, pull the foreskin down and lean under the skin well, making sure you are gentle.

Let them hang free at night: It is a good idea to avoid wearing underwear when your sleep. This is because when you wear underwear, your testicles and penis rub against your body and clothes, making it sweaty. When left unconfined for a few hours your genitals get aired out (so to speak) which helps dry the perspiration in the area and prevents an infection.

Credit: Thehealthsite
